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Paebbl raised $25M in a Series A funding round to turn captured CO2 into permanent carbon-storing materials (Silicon Canals)
Morgan Stanley Investment Management set up $750 Million fund to invest in CDR & reduction (CCarbon)
Aetherworks secured $30,000 from DOE for direct air capture/HVAC system development (Its News Online)
Meta is pledging to contract at least $35 million for CDR projects in the coming year (Meta)
Government of Canada commits to purchase at least $10 million in carbon removal services between now and 2030 (Government of Canada)
AirMiners Kiloton Fund teams received $100,000 in grants from Wren Climate Collective (Wren)
Mitsubishi Electric signed a MOU with VTT of Finland to develop technology for direct capturing of CO2 from oceans (Businesswire)
Carbon Removal Show launched coalition to scale CDR industry (The Carbon Removal Show)
Meadow Lake Tribal Council and Carbon Alpha's North Star project becomes Canada’s first carbon removal initiative listed on platform (Carbon Alpha)
CrystalTrade partnered with Carbon Plus to provide Malaysia’s first industrial biochar facility with its dMRV solution (Crystal Trade)
Biocharlife, in collaboration with 1,600 dedicated farmers in Kenya and Malawi, has successfully removed 10,000 tonnes of CO2 in just six months (Medium)
Remove announced the selection of 10 startups as the first cohort of its India Accelator Program (LinkedIn)
Kumo & Biochar Zero joined forces to unlock institutional funding for biochar projects (LinkedIn)
Exomad Green announced plans to double its capacity from 400,000 to 800,000 tonnes of CDR by 2027 (LinkedIn)
Blusky Carbon signed a Joint Venture Agreement with Texas-based Red Mountain Biochar to commercialize biochar offtake (ESG Post)
Species differences in carbon drawdown during marine phytoplankton growth
Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Gou, B., Wang, Q., Hou, M., Wang, X., & Yin, K. (2024). Species differences in carbon drawdown during marine phytoplankton growth. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 208, 117021.
Synopsis: Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) may impact marine phytoplankton due to varying species tolerance to high pH from photosynthetic drawdown of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The study examined 20 species, measuring DIC, pH, and chlorophyll a at biomass peaks. Results showed diverse species responses, with DIC drawdown following a Michaelis-Menten pattern. Two mechanisms were observed: CO2 limitation at lower pH changes and biologically-mediated CO2 release at higher pH. These findings suggest that OAE’s effects on phytoplankton communities will vary significantly based on species differences in tolerance.
The global potential for carbon removal through biochar in shifting cultivation systems
Sirén, A. H. (2024). The global potential for carbon removal through biochar in shifting cultivation systems. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 29(7), 75.
Synopsis: The potential for carbon removal through biochar application in shifting cultivation systems was estimated at 0.21-0.35 Gt C/year, about 2.1-3.6% of global CO2 emissions. This study revises the estimate to 0.17-0.32 Gt C/year, with the lower end requiring minimal costs and impacts, while the higher end may face prohibitive costs and environmental risks. Including biochar’s effect on tree growth, the estimates rise to 0.22-0.42 Gt C/year. Key challenges include reducing emissions from production, cutting costs, and establishing monitoring and payment systems for cultivators.
In-field carbon dioxide removal via weathering of crushed basalt applied to acidic tropical agricultural soil
Holden, F. J., Davies, K., Bird, M. I., Hume, R., Green, H., Beerling, D. J., & Nelson, P. N. (2024). In-field carbon dioxide removal via weathering of crushed basalt applied to acidic tropical agricultural soil. Science of The Total Environment, 176568.
Synopsis: Enhanced weathering (EW) of basalt was applied to sugarcane fields in northeastern Australia to assess carbon dioxide removal potential. Key findings include a significant increase in soil pH and extractable magnesium and silicon, indicating effective basalt weathering. However, there was no significant increase in crop yield following basalt application. The bicarbonate flux in basalt-treated plots was 0.59 kmol ha−1 a−1 higher than in untreated plots, though this difference was not statistically significant. Most weathering was attributed to strong acids rather than carbonic acid, which limited CDR effectiveness in acidic soils.
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement in Deep Water Formation Regions Under Low and High Emission Pathways
Nagwekar, T., Nissen, C., & Hauck, J. (2024). Ocean alkalinity enhancement in deep water formation regions under low and high emission pathways. Earth's Future, 12(10), e2023EF004213.
Synopsis: This study investigates the efficiency of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) as a CDR method in subduction regions of the Southern Ocean, Northwest Atlantic, and Norwegian-Barents Sea. Using the FESOM2.1-REcoM3 model, researchers simulated global OAE under high (SSP3-7.0) and low (SSP1-2.6) emission scenarios. Findings show OAE efficiency is 8%–30% higher in high-CO2 conditions due to a lower buffer factor. Subduction regions demonstrated a CDR potential of 0.23–0.31 PgC per Pg of alkaline material, with the Southern Ocean and Northwest Atlantic matching global efficiency. These regions also store 1.9 times more excess carbon below 1 km compared to the global ocean, emphasizing their potential for effective OAE if optimal strategies are developed.
Overconfidence in climate overshoot
Schleussner, C. F., Ganti, G., Lejeune, Q., Zhu, B., Pfleiderer, P., Prütz, R., ... & Rogelj, J. (2024). Overconfidence in climate overshoot. Nature, 634(8033), 366-373.
Synopsis: With global emission reduction efforts falling short of the Paris Agreement's temperature goals, this study explores overshoot pathways that temporarily exceed warming limits before cooling. The findings reveal that a decline in global temperatures can mitigate long-term climate risks, such as sea-level rise, compared to mere stabilization. However, reversing warming could be constrained by significant Earth-system feedbacks, leading to prolonged high temperatures. To manage these risks, a substantial carbon dioxide removal capacity is essential. Nonetheless, challenges in scaling deployment hinder confidence in achieving temperature declines within expected timelines, underscoring the necessity of rapid near-term emission reductions to effectively reduce climate risks.
Setting a Permissible Target for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Schübel, H., & Wallimann-Helmer, I. (2024). Setting a Permissible Target for Carbon Dioxide Removal. Environmental Ethics, 46(3), 333-350.
Synopsis: Achieving net zero emissions requires carbon dioxide removal technologies, but moral concerns arise if their role is unclear. This paper proposes a framework to define the permissible use of CDRs for state-level net zero targets. It categorizes emissions into three types: luxury emissions, which should be reduced without CDRs; societal membership emissions, where CDR use is conditionally permissible; and residual emissions, where CDRs are necessary to meet targets. The framework ensures ethical guidelines are met while supporting net zero goals.
Assessing the Potential of Macroalgae-Based Carbon Sequestration in Indonesia
Zulpikar, F., Sondak, C. F., Sirait, M., Pribadi, T. D., Lideman, Prasetia, H., ... & Perisha, B. (2024). Assessing the Potential of Macroalgae-Based Carbon Sequestration in Indonesia. Coastal Management, 1-16.
Synopsis: Macroalgae are being explored as a nature-based climate solution. This study estimates the carbon sequestration potential of macroalgae in Indonesia, ranging from 351,246 to 2,526,332 Mg C/yr, making it the third-largest marine carbon store after mangroves and seagrass. With higher CO2 sequestration rates than other blue carbon habitats, macroalgae meet key criteria for blue carbon viability. However, integrating macroalgae with broader climate policies is crucial for full recognition in Indonesia’s climate mitigation efforts.
When and where can coastal wetland restoration increase carbon sequestration as a natural climate solution?
Jones, S. F., Arias-Ortiz, A., Baldocchi, D., Eagle, M., Friess, D. A., Gore, C., ... & Yando, E. S. (2024). When and where can coastal wetland restoration increase carbon sequestration as a natural climate solution?. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, 2, e13.
Synopsis: Coastal wetland restoration can mitigate climate change, but uncertainty exists about when and where it is most effective. The study highlights that for restoration to work as a natural climate solution (NCS), it must provide additional climate benefits, be feasible, and endure over time. Uncertainty arises from carbon exchange between habitats, wetland migration due to sea-level rise, and methane emissions. By addressing these challenges and improving data use, coastal wetland restoration can be scaled to contribute meaningfully to climate mitigation efforts.
Non-compliance and under-performance in Australian human-induced regeneration projects
Macintosh, A., Evans, M. C., Butler, D., Larraondo, P., Edirisinghe, C., Hunter, K. B., ... & Lindenmayer, D. (2024). Non-compliance and under-performance in Australian human-induced regeneration projects. The Rangeland Journal, 46(5).
Synopsis: Rangelands are poorly suited for carbon sequestration projects due to their variable nature, leading to risks in additionality, permanence, and measurement accuracy. The study evaluates 116 human-induced regeneration (HIR) projects under Australia’s carbon credit scheme, revealing widespread non-compliance with regulations and minimal impact on vegetation cover. Despite being promoted for low opportunity costs, these projects failed to regenerate forests as intended, exposing governance issues and missed opportunities to restore biodiversity-rich areas through legitimate carbon offset efforts.
Emissions Trading and Certification Methodologies for Biochar
Park, S. Y., & Lee, J. Y. (2024). Emissions Trading and Certification Methodologies for Biochar. Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management, 41(1), 1-15.
Synopsis: The 2006 IPCC guidelines for calculating biochar's carbon sequestration potential were revised in 2019, and the 2022 IPCC AR6 highlights biochar's role in reducing greenhouse gases by removing atmospheric CO2. This study reviews biochar’s potential as an efficient carbon removal method for national inventories and international carbon trading. Countries like Japan and the EU are developing certification methodologies. The study emphasizes the need for government support to advance emission-trading systems using biochar for climate mitigation.
The Impact of Regional Resources and Technology Availability on Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential in the United State
Javadi, P., O'Rourke, P., Fuhrman, J., McJeon, H., Doney, S. C., Shobe, W., & Clarens, A. F. (2024). The impact of regional resources and technology availability on carbon dioxide removal potential in the United States. Environmental Research: Energy.
Synopsis: This study assesses the role of carbon dioxide removal in achieving the United States' net-zero carbon emissions goal by mid-century, particularly for sectors difficult to decarbonize. Using the Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM-USA), researchers modeled six CDR classes across four scenarios to analyze regional resource availability and deployment potential. Results indicate that diverse CDR approaches could remove 1 to 1.9 GtCO2/year by mid-century. In the Full Portfolio scenario, direct air capture and storage (DACCS) is the dominant method, contributing 50% of removal. Texas and the agricultural Midwest excel in deployment due to ample resources. Scenarios with restricted CDR pathways increase pressure on land and energy systems, highlighting the need for a balanced, regionally tailored CDR strategy.
Effects of basalt, concrete fines, and steel slag on maize growth and heavy metal accumulation in an enhanced weathering experiment
Rijnders, J., Vienne, A., & Vicca, S. (2024). Effects of basalt, concrete fines, and steel slag on maize growth and heavy metal accumulation in an enhanced weathering experiment. EGUsphere, 2024, 1-34.
Synopsis: This study examines terrestrial enhanced silicate weathering as a CO2 removal technology through the application of ground silicate materials to agricultural soils, assessing its effects on biomass, nutrient content, and heavy metal concentration in Zea Mays using basalt, concrete fines, and steel slags. Results show that basalt significantly increased plant biomass, while concrete fines and steel slags did not. Nutrient concentrations of Ca, Mg, and Si rose with silicate application, but N, P, and K remained largely unchanged. While steel slag raised leaf Pb concentrations, they remained below WHO and FAO limits. Overall, the study indicates that silicate application has mixed effects on maize but poses limited heavy metal contamination risk after a single application.
Enhancing Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration: A Review with Some Research Needs
Zhang, K., Liu, Z., McCarl, B. A., & Fei, C. J. (2024). Enhancing Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration: A Review with Some Research Needs. Climate, 12(10), 151.
Synopsis: Following its re-entry into the Paris Agreement in 2021, the U.S. aims for a 50–52% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, targeting land-based mitigation options to achieve 0.4–1.3 GtCO2/year in removals. This review examines six key concepts vital for soil carbon sequestration: permanence, additionality, leakage, uncertainty, transaction costs, and the heat-trapping ability of various gases. These concepts underpin the development of robust methodologies for measuring and verifying carbon credits, enhancing carbon market integrity. The review also assesses market opportunities for climate-smart agriculture, while identifying barriers, research needs, and policy considerations to advance soil carbon sequestration strategies effectively.
Projected impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the atmosphere on radiative flux over West Africa
Uzoma, E. K., & Adeniyi, M. O. (2024). Projected impact of carbon dioxide (CO2) removal from the atmosphere on radiative flux over West Africa. Journal of Earth System Science, 133(4), 192.
Synopsis: This study investigates the impact of CO2 removal on top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiative flux and surface temperatures in West Africa. Simulations indicate a decrease in TOA downwelling shortwave radiation, suggesting reduced warming across latitudes above 14°N. Significant cooling is projected for Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali from 2020 to 2049, with upwelling longwave radiation increasing in these regions. The removal rates of 1.13, 2.23, and 3.50 ppm/yr, corresponding to 8.81, 17.39, and 27.30 gigatonnes of CO2, were identified for the periods 2020–2049, 2040–2069, and 2071–2100, respectively. Clear skies result in greater warming reduction, with surface radiative flux decreasing more significantly than TOA. Climate sensitivity values of −2.2 ± 0.1 °C W/m² and −0.4 ± 0.1 W/m² for radiative forcing were obtained, indicating a stronger climate response in West Africa.
Activated Carbon Fiber Felt Composites for the Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide
Modayil Korah, M., Culp, K., Lackner, K. S., & Green, M. D. Activated Carbon Fiber Felt Composites for the Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide. ChemSusChem, e202401188.
Synopsis: This study explores innovative negative emission technologies for direct air capture of CO2 using a composite of K2CO3 and activated carbon (AC) fiber felts. While K2CO3 reacts readily with CO2, its slow sorption kinetics limit its effectiveness. By integrating K2CO3 into AC fiber felts, the study significantly enhances sorption kinetics due to increased surface area exposure to air. The flexible and cost-effective AC-K2CO3 composite demonstrates excellent DAC performance, capturing an average of 478 µmol of CO2 per gram during 4 hours at ambient conditions. Cyclic testing shows stable performance over ten cycles, although increased dew point temperature notably decreases sorption efficiency by 40%.
A review of life cycle assessment methods to inform the scale-up of carbon dioxide removal interventions
Lynch, J. (2024). A review of life cycle assessment methods to inform the scale-up of carbon dioxide removal interventions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment.
Synopsis: This paper critically reviews Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods used to evaluate sustainable carbon dioxide removal (CDR) interventions for policy decision-making. The review focuses on three key areas: comparability across CDR assessments, the climatic merit of CDR interventions, and the consideration of broader CDR co-benefits and impacts. Findings reveal that current LCA practices, often attributional and CDR-specific, hinder comprehensive comparisons and future scaling implications. To enhance LCA design, clearer definitions of study scope, consistent functional units, and comprehensive system boundaries are recommended. Additionally, the assessment should include time-dependent data and highlight climatic merits, co-benefits, and trade-offs of CDR scaling, ultimately supporting informed decisions for sustainable CDR implementation.
Soil organic carbon sequestration potential and policy optimization
Spertus, J., Stark, P., Silver, W., & Slessarev, E. (2024). Soil organic carbon sequestration potential and policy optimization. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.18198.
Synopsis: This study introduces a statistical framework for assessing land management's role in mitigating climate change by sequestering atmospheric CO2 as soil organic carbon. It emphasizes that the impact of management changes on SOC content is influenced by land characteristics determining sequestration potential. To optimize sequestration, interventions should target fields with the highest potential and lowest implementation costs. The study highlights a regression estimator that links field-level SOC to management practices and covariates, allowing for valid inference on treatment effects. Additionally, it addresses uncertainties, the saturation hypothesis regarding sequestration potential, and implications for policy-making and study design in SOC research.
Early engagement will be necessary for atmospheric methane removal field trials
Scott-Buechler, C., & Jinnah, S. (2024). Early engagement will be necessary for atmospheric methane removal field trials. Environmental Research Letters.
Synopsis: Atmospheric methane removal (AMR) encompasses a range of emerging technologies aimed at eliminating methane from the atmosphere. As interest in AMR field trials grows, it is crucial to prioritize meaningful public engagement before these trials commence. Drawing from international law and environmental justice principles, the argument is made that public involvement is essential for ethical research practices. Lessons from ocean fertilization and solar radiation management underscore the importance of early public discourse to align research with societal values. While engagement may not guarantee desired outcomes, it consistently promotes justice-enhancing results. The article advocates for diverse engagement strategies, collaboration with affected communities, and the establishment of comprehensive governance frameworks to ensure responsible AMR practices.

Trees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature’s carbon sink failing? (The Guardian)
UN enacted Carbon Removal standard under Article 6.4 (UNFCCC)
Denmark published a national biochar strategy that outlines how the government plans to use the CDR process to meet its climate neutral 2045 target, and 2050 carbon negative target (Pyrolyse Denmark)
Verra, a US-based standard organization, has officially registered its first carbon removal project utilizing biochar (Verra)
Isometric recently certified the Biochar Production & Storage Protocol, along with the Biochar Storage in Agricultural Soils Module (Isometric)
West Texas residents ask EPA to extend review of Occidental carbon sequestration permits (E&E News)
Global Carbon Negative Materials Market is Anticipated to Expand at a CAGR of 11.3% from 2024 to 2034, According to a Report by TNR, The Niche Research (Global Newswire)
Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal is About to Go Big (Hakai Magazine)
Kenya’s Pyrogen Plans Biochar-Infused Concrete Products Plant After Patent Award (Carbon Herald)
Advancing carbon removal: why BECCS methodology is having growing impact on CCUS globally (Drax)
NETL-Managed Projects Support Direct Air Capture Technology Development (NETL)
Evero’s biomass-to-electricity plants get greenlight for CCS retrofit (Bioenergy Insight)
High-quality carbon credits are limited—here’s how to secure them quickly (Supercritical)
Carbon removal no solution if world overshoots warming target, scientists say (Reuters)
Widespread noncompliance and poor performance' in world's largest nature-based carbon removal projects (Phys.Org)
Don’t overshoot: why carbon dioxide removal will achieve too little, too late (Nature)
Quick carbon removal demand math (Nan's Substack)
150+ Carbon Capture and Removal Startups to Scale Ups (Hack Summit)
Future GGR Leaders Dive Deep into Land-Based Removal Techniques at Wales Roadshow (CO2RE)
8 Rivers Going Its Own Way on DAC, Zero Carbon Fuels (Hart Energy)
Soil Remineralization, Climate Resilience, and Environmental Geochemistry: Insights from the 2024 Goldschmidt Conference (Remineralize the Earth)
Direct Air Capture Is Missing One Key Ingredient (Breakthrough Energy)
Observers warn the US must do more to boost demand for carbon removal (MIT Technology)
Introducing Ledger: A System for Reliably Monitoring & Reporting Biomass Carbon Removal at Scale (Charm Industrial)
How dMRV ensures precision and transparency in the carbon removal market (Illuminem)
UK's £22 billion of carbon capture & storage is good news for CDR (LinkedIn—Sebastian Manhart)
Biotech pioneers strive to supercharge nature in the race to remove greenhouse gases (CTRF)
Direct Air Capture Is Missing One Key Ingredient (Breakthrough Energy)
Captura advances Direct Ocean Capture commercialization efforts in Los Angeles and Hawaii (Captura)
Mission Zero Technologies begins delivery of direct air capture plant in Canada (Mission Zero Technologies)
All excess emissions must be removed (Carbon Gap)

Design and Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Covalent Organic Frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Capture Direct from Air
CarbonX Quarterly Review Q3 2024: CDR Market Insights and Trends (CarbonX)
Recommendations for the certification of carbon removals (Zero Emissions Platform)
Procuring with Purpose—Canada's Opportunity to Shape the Carbon Removal Market (Carbon Removal Canada)
(NEW) AFEN organizes the 2024 CDR France Days | 15-16 October 2024 | Paris
The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar | 15-16 October 2024 | Sweden
Quarterly CDR Policy Update with Holly Jean Buck by Carbon Gap and Remove | 16 October 2024 | Online
(NEW) Energy emissions accounting for carbon removal by Isometric | 16 October 2024 | Online
Mission from MaRS: Carbon Credit Purchasing Program Launch Event by MaRS | 16 October 2024 | Online
IBI Biochar Study Tour: Italy by the Italian Biochar Association and the International Biochar Initiative | 16-18 October 2024 | Florence, Italy
Futures Summit 2024 by alt Carbon | 16-18 October 2024 | New Delhi
(NEW) Exploring the Interplay of Pragmatism and Idealism: Insights from Projects on Carbon Removals by Earth System Governance | 17 October 2024 | Online
Integrating Environmental Ethics & Religious Perspectives into CDR Assessment by Earth System Governance | 17 October 2024 | Online
(NEW) Article 6: how to scale the ITMO market by BeZero | 17 October 2024 | Online
(NEW) Integrating Environmental Ethics & Religious Perspectives into CDR Assessment by Earth System Governance | 17 October 2024 | Online
(NEW) Air, Land, Rock, Water: An Overview of Carbon Dioxide Removal Pathways by California Environmental Voters | 18 October 2024 | Online
5th EU Carbon Removals Expert Group meeting | 21-23 October 2024 | Online
SF CDR dMRV Summit by Isometric | 23 October 2024 | San Francisco, California
Exploring the Ethics and Societal Interactions of Climate Intervention by the U.S. National Science Foundation
Discovery workshop focussing on terrestrial science (CDR) | 22 October 2024 | Online
Discovery workshop focussing on ocean science (CDR) | 25 October 2024 | Online
Integrative synthesis workshop focusing on identifying gaps in current governance & ethics | 18 November 2024 | Online
Carbon Unbound West Coast | 24-25 October | San Francisco, USA
The State of Durable Carbon Removal by Verge | 29 October 2024 | California, US
Why Canada is poised to be a Carbon Removal Superpower by OSPE | 29 October 2024 | Windsor, ON
Carbon Removal Pathways We Don't Talk About Enough by Verge | 30 October 2024 | California, US
(NEW) How Governments Can Ensure Trust and Transparency in Carbon Removal by Carbonfuture | 30 October 2024 | Online
From Wetlands to the Deep Ocean: Dive Into Marine-Based Carbon Removal by Verge | 30 October 2024 | California, US
Getting to Gigatonne: Barriers (and Pathways) to Scaling Carbon Removal In The Next 25 Years by Verge | 30 October 2024 | California, US
CSRD in Action: How to leverage carbon pricing for decarbonisation by Klimate | 30 October 2024 | Online
(NEW) Carbon Removal Pathways We Don’t Talk About Enough by Verge | 31 October 2024 | California, US
(NEW) Defining Biochar Quality—Essential insights for an impact-driven carbon removal strategy by Supercritical | 05 November 2024 | Online
How to apply biochar in sustainability management and accounting | German Biochar Forum | 18 November 2024
Fourth Annual Carbon Dioxide Removal Law & Policy Conference by Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal at American Univ. and Environmental Policy and Culture Program at Northwestern University | 18 November 2024 | Online
(NEW) The Road to Net Zero: How to Pave the Way for Carbon Farming, Removal, and Capture by Landmark | 28 November 2024 | House of the Dutch Provinces
Industrial Energy Green Transition 2024 | 3-5 December 2024 | Tokyo
Scoping Workshop: Leaky deltas: sources or sinks in the global carbon cycle? by OCB | 17-20 March 2025 | Baton Rouge, LA
(NEW) Ocean Visions Biennial Summit 2025 | 25-27 March 2025 | British Columbia
Bio-Char IV Conference | May 18-23, 2025 | Santa Marta, Colombia
Carbon Clean-up Camp | 25 June 2025
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Research Scientist- Standards and Certification & Geoscientist at Paebbl | Rotterdam, the Netherlands
"Paebbl is a decarbonization technology company on a mission to restore the Earth's carbon balance. They are commercializing a proven technology to turn captured CO2 into valuable industrial raw materials."
Head of Science at Silica | San Francisco, United States
"Silica is the leading startup in Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) technology in Latin America, pioneering scalable, permanent, and verified carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Their approach not only bolsters agricultural yields but also empowers low-income farming communities to benefit economically through the production and sale of carbon credits, enhancing livelihoods and driving environmental sustainability."
Marketing Associate-Carbon Market at Opna | United Kingdom
"Opna helps companies take meaningful climate action by enabling them to transform and fund high-impact carbon removal projects, particularly in the global south.
By driving catalytic financing into these projects, companies not only secure high-quality carbon credits to meet their climate goals but also help scale the efforts with lasting social and economic benefits."
Soil & Biochar Specialist at Midori Climate Partners | Cambodia
"Midori Climate Partners develop projects that can be supported by carbon credit incentives."
Regulatory and Product Stewardship Manager at loam | Saint Paul, United States
"At Loam, we’re dedicated to enhancing the sustainability and resilience of agricultural systems through innovative soil carbon sequestration. By empowering farmers and landowners to reduce carbon emissions while improving soil health, we’re helping to create a sustainable future for agriculture. Join us in making a positive, lasting impact on the environment and the global agricultural landscape."
Soil Scientist at YardStick | Oakland, CA
"YardStick is on a mission to reverse climate change with agriculture. Scientists and farmers alike know that climate-friendly agricultural practices have the potential to remove atmospheric CO2 at gigaton/year scale. When these practices are adopted, more carbon is stored in soils, improving soil health and fighting climate change. But significant measurement challenges have held soil carbon efforts back - until now."
Account Executive, Carbon Removals at CUR8 Earth
"At CUR8, we’re driven by making the worldwide market for Carbon Removals - on a mission to facilitate 1Bn tonnes of carbon removed in a single year. We combine financial and scientific expertise to build high-quality and diverse carbon removal portfolios that enable companies to invest in carbon impact with confidence and ultimately reach net zero. Offering products and services that will enable the Carbon Removals market to scale more quickly. Accelerating market development by unlocking financing for the most innovative carbon removal projects to scale."
Facilities Technician at Charm Industrial | San Francisco
"Charm Industrial mission is to return the atmosphere to 280 ppm CO₂. We convert excess inedible biomass into carbon-rich bio-oil and inject it into underground storage for permanent carbon removal. At scale we can use bio-oil to make fossil-free iron."
Chief Financial Officer (Fractional) at Octavia Carbon | Nairobi
"Octavia Carbon is the Global South's first Direct Air Capture (DAC) company dedicated to combating climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We design and build low-cost DAC technology that leverages Kenya's geothermal energy, geology, and talent to accelerate DAC down the cost curve. Our mission is to reverse climate change by removing billions of tons of carbon dioxide from the air by 2050."
Business Development Manager - Industrial Materials at Novocarbo | Hamburg
"At Novocarbo, we work as a team to accelarate the economy’s transformation to NetZero: Our goal is to store 100 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere in Biochar-based products."
Supply (Senior) Associate: Nature-based CDR Solutions at Supercritical | London, United Kingdom
"Supercritical is the gateway to the carbon removal market. One third of corporate buyers including The Economist, Virgin Atlantic, and Rothschild & Co use Supercritical’s marketplace to navigate the market, build portfolios of high-quality vetted projects, and securely transact across spot purchases and offtake agreements. Supercritical is the marketplace of choice for visionary companies with ambitious climate goals that need to be met today, not decades from now. We recently raised a $13m Series A, led by Lightspeed Venture Partners, to accelerate our mission to scale carbon removal to gigatonnes."
RnD Internship- Electrochemical Direct Air Capture (eDAC) of Carbon dioxide at Skytree | Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
"At Skytree, we’re turning ideas into action in the journey toward stable, reliable, and cleaner CO2. We create smart, scalable carbon dioxide solutions that recycle atmospheric CO2 and contribute to a healthier planet."
Operations Administrator at Noya | Oakland, CA
"Noya is reversing climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. We’re a scrappy team of engineers, scientists, and operators taking on the biggest problem anybody could be working on. We’ve developed a process that leverages abundant materials to remove CO2 directly from the air with dramatically lower capital and operating expenses than other approaches."
Manager, Nursery Operations (Silvaseed) at Mast Reforestaion | Roy, Washington
"Mast is on a mission to make reforestation scalable. As bigger and hotter fires destroy more forestland every year, Mast provides fast, resilient forest restoration for landowners impacted by devastating wildfires. As the only vertically-integrated reforestation company in the industry, Mast has removed the financial, procedural, and seed supply barriers that typically stand in the way of getting reforestation done."
Lead, Terrestrial Biomass Carbon Storage at Isometric | New York City
"Isometric is a carbon removal registry. We issue the world’s most scientifically rigorous carbon credits to help Fortune 100 companies tackle climate change and prevent greenwashing."
Site Operator at Planetry | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
"Planetary Technologies’ vision is to protect and restore the ocean and climate for generations to come. We do this by healing the ocean of the acid damage of human CO2 emissions using an antacid to restore the ocean's ability to moderate climate change. Working collaboratively with all of our stakeholders, we develop a cost-effective and sustainable set of tools aimed at protecting and restoring our oceans and climate, ultimately doing carbon dioxide removal and storage at gigatonne scale."
Senior Software Engineer at [C]worthy | Boulder
"[C]Worthy is building a software system – called C-Star – to support standardization of carbon removal accounting and environmental impact assessments related to deployments of marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) technologies."
Carbon Casting | Voices of Forestry
"Voice of Forestry is back this month to discuss carbon casting with Graphyte. Join Seth as he sits down with Founder and CEO Barclay Rogers to discuss what this process looks like and how it fits into the bigger "green" picture."
The Earth’s invisible climate warriors | Farms, Food, Future
"We might not notice, but beneath our feet our planet is silently tackling climate change. It is estimated that soil-dwelling fungi absorb 13 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. That’s equivalent to 36 per cent of all fossil fuel emissions!
On this episode, we unveil these invisible climate warriors – and discuss how we can protect them and their role in sustainable development. Join us as we explore fantastic fungal networks, brilliant beaver dams and groundbreaking rock-based carbon removal."
Damien Steel on why the carbon capture industry is such an exciting opportunity—and how Canada can take advantage | Hub Dialogues
"Deep Sky CEO Damien Steel discusses the capitalist case for carbon removal technology, the growing maturation of carbon markets, and why he thinks Canada has the potential to be a global leader in both.
This episode was made possible by Deep Sky and the generosity of listeners like you.
The Hub Dialogues features The Hub's editor-at-large, Sean Speer, in conversation with leading entrepreneurs, policymakers, scholars, and thinkers on the issues and challenges that will shape Canada's future at home and abroad."
Jim Mann, CEO of UNDO, on scaling enhanced rock weathering | The Carbon Curve
"In this episode, Na’im and Jim discuss:
-The origin of UNDO and the reasons for exploring ERW as the key CDR method;
-The operational processes at UNDO;
-UNDO’s experience going through the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition;
-The company’s approach to measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV);
-Partnerships with academia, local community, and businesses in the supply-chain;
-UNDO’s expansion into Canada and future goals"
Antoine Poulallion | The CDR Procurement
"In this episode of the CDR Procurement Guide, Eli spoke with Antoine Poulallion, Senior Director the sustainability team at Boston Consulting Group.
BCG is a renowned global consulting firm that advises clients across various industries on strategy, technology, and innovation, with significant expertise in business transformation and digital advancement.
Antoine Poulallion is a Senior Director on BCG’s sustainability team, where he focuses on the firm's sustainability strategy. Since joining the team in 2020 from BCG’s consulting side, his work has spanned a variety of initiatives, from developing BCG’s net-zero plan to setting ambitious reduction targets and leading on carbon removal and sustainable aviation fuel partnerships. In addition to his internal work, Antoine also advises BCG clients globally on building their own net-zero strategies. His work centers on launching high-impact projects and ensuring their successful implementation across the organization."
How Canadian innovators are tackling the climate crisis through carbon removal | Carbon Removal Canada
“In this video, leaders from the Canadian carbon removal industry, such as Mike Kelland of Planetary Technologies, Paul Needham of Arca, Vida Gabriel of Terrafixing, Genny Shaw of GAIA Refinery, Anya Waite of Ocean Institute Technology, Bob Vasily of Canadian Wollastonite, and Navjot Sandhu of Carbon Engineering share how their cutting-edge carbon removal technologies are addressing the climate crisis.”
US DOE´s Carbon Management Strategy and Vision in Enhanced Mineralization: Marina Sofos, US DOE | Carbfix
The Biochar Benchmark: Setting Global Standards with Dominic Hafner | Biochar Life
“Dominic Hafner is a leader at Carbon Standards International, where he spearheads the Global Artisan C-Sink Standard. This initiative aims to transform the role of smallholder farmers within the global climate narrative by merging carbon financing with sustainable biochar practices. Under his guidance, the program not only achieves significant environmental milestones but also fosters long-term economic empowerment for communities in the global south. Dominic's efforts are central to integrating innovative carbon removal technologies with grassroots agricultural practices, making a substantial impact on both local and global scales.”
NETL DAC Center Material Scale Testing | National Energy Technology
Greenhouse Gas Removal Future Leaders Network Demonstrator Roadshow | CO2RE-The Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub
“The Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) Future Leaders Network (FLN) recently visited Aberystwyth University as part of a GGR Demonstrator Roadshow. This dynamic event brought together 35 early career researchers and other early career professionals working in policy and governance, start-ups, standard-setting bodies, and other parts of the GGR market. The three-day event featured guided tours of local "demonstrator sites", including the Biomass Connect facilities at Frongoch and the GGR-Peat plots at Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre. These sites contribute to the growing UK evidence base for GGR methods including bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), biochar and peatland restoration.”
The Secret of Seashells and How They Could Save Our Ocean | The EarthShot Prize
“Inspired by seashells, Equatic is using the natural power of the ocean to remove harmful CO₂ and produce clean hydrogen fuel. Equatic are one of the fifteen Finalists of The Earthshot Prize 2024. Each Finalist represents a pioneering solution to our most pressing climate and environmental challenges. These 15 Finalists are in the running to receive five £1 million prizes which will be awarded at The Earthshot Prize Awards in Cape Town, South Africa on Wednesday 6 November.”
Epiphyte Weekly Stream! Opensource Direct Air Capture | OpenAir
“Weekly gathering of the Epiphyte crew to plan and execute the next prototype build. All are welcome to tune in and share ideas!”